Meghan Georgieff , PT,DPT
Meghan Georgieff is from Peoria, IL and currently resides in Camp Grove, IL. Meghan received her Bachelor of Science from St. Ambrose University in 2020 and Doctor of Physical Therapy from St. Ambrose in 2021. Meghan has specialized in outpatient orthopedics since graduating and provided side line coverage for surrounding schools in Iowa. Meghan also recently received her certification in dry needling. Meghan became a physical therapist after receiving care for her own sport injuries and watching her mom go through extensive rehab following an ACL tear. Her passion is in sports and enjoys treating all populations and diagnoses.
Outside of work she enjoys spending time with family, reading, watching any Illinois sport, and completing outdoor work. She is happy to be back in her hometown and to provide care to her surrounding community members. She can also now proudly wear an Illinois shirt without harassment from Hawkeye fans. I-L-L…